Top Tips for Summer Holiday Fun

Let’s face it, finding things to do over the summer school holidays can be tough. After visiting the local playground and letting the kids veg-out in front of the TV for the first week, everyone starts to get a bit restless and irritable with the heat. Our advice is to plan your days, stock up on ice, and wear the kids out with some summer holiday fun.


Here are our favourite things to do with the kids over the holidays that won’t break the bank.


#1. Make Your Own Ice Cream

First things first, it’s time to cool down, and the most fun way to do that is by making your own ice cream. Homemade ice cream is surprisingly simple and fun to make. Just mix together half a cup of cream, half a cup of milk, a tablespoon of sugar, and a teaspoon of vanilla and seal the mixture well in a ziplock bag. 

Fill a larger ziplock bag with ice and salt, put the ice cream mix bag inside it and seal everything up, then shake like your life depends on it until the mixture firms up into ice cream.

#2. Go Camping

A summer staple for family fun is to go camping. This will get you and your family outside, away from screens, and enjoying nature. Consider a spot where there are activities to do, such as hiking, fishing, and swimming. After wearing your kids out with a full day of outdoor fun you can cool them down with a cold drink thanks to the magic of eskys and ice.

Our Guide to Summer Camping Essentials

#3. Summer Science Experiments

Just because school’s out doesn't mean your kids can’t learn anything over the summer. The holidays are a great time to do some fun educational activities with your kids. To keep them cool at the same time, make the experiments icy. Why not combine one part water, one part cornstarch, and a whole lot of food colouring and freeze it to make ice chalk your kids can melt outside? Or create an ice volcano by freezing bicarb soda mixed with water and activating it with coloured vinegar.

#4. Host a Pool Party or Summer BBQ

One of the easiest things to fill your summer days with is by hosting a summer BBQ. Just cook up lunch on the BBQ one afternoon as the kids jump in the pool or run under the sprinkler and before you know it you have a summer party on your hands. Keep it to just the family or invite some friends and serve up popsicles to the kids and icy cold cocktails for the parents.


Summer activities don’t have to break the bank, and you don’t need to spend the holidays hiding in air conditioning. With just a bit of imagination and some ice you can come up with activities the whole family will love. To stock up on ice for summer, contact us.