All your ice needs are here

At Kleer Ice Supplies, we’ve got your single-use ice needs covered. Whatever the function, we’ve got a size that’ll be exactly what you need. We carry 5kg and 10kg bags of party ice. This ice can be added to a bowl to keep punch cool, put around drinks in a cooler or set aside to let each guest scoop their own ice into their cup.

We also supply 5 kg block ice. Block ice provides its own unique qualities for a number of occasions. For example, when preserving food and drinks where there’s no more fridge space or a freezer has broken down, block ice can save the day. It can also be substituted for party ice when a party is hosted outside during the warmer months of the year.


Get Your Ice

Whatever your ice needs are, Kleer Ice Supplies can provide it for you.

Call us today or send us a message to get your ice for your next event.


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